Monday, January 08, 2007

A Spicy Story!

The always lovely Laura shares her story of some spicy food, a hot mouth, and a lazy waitress

My latest peeve is Bangkok City thai food on W. El Camino by the Bel Air (in Sacramento). I went there once and really liked it. Now I won't go back due to their "water shortage."
I ordered a VERY hot larb (thai salad), stupidly, I may add, because I was getting over a (mouth wound). Do not ask for spicy larb when your mouth is still healing.
Anyway, it came, I devoured a couple bites and then had the most searing pain possible. Ben tried it and was also afflicted. The host lady came by to see if the food was alright. We were red-faced and panting. Then, I drank my entire tea and glass of water, as did Ben. We were the only ones in the restaurant, clearly suffering for like 10 minutes, and she sat there at the counter and didn't get us any more water. We were the ONLY ONES IN THERE and I was LOUDLY CRUNCHING MY ICE. I had to walk up to the counter, after the cook came out to talk to her, to ask for more water. They both looked surprised, like, oh, you wanted something? rrr.

Thanks for sharing your pain Laura! And remember everyone, you can E-mail me me your customer service stories and be as famous as Laura!

What's the deal with soy?

I had another run in with Starbucks and their apparent inability to keep enough soy milk in stock (see previous post below). But at least this time, it was at the Starbucks in Safeway.

When I ordered my soy mocha, the wannabe barista told me they were out of soy. I got really irritated and said "You can't just go over to the health food section where there's like a whole shelf of soy milk, and grab one?" She responded "well they don't like us to do that." So I was less than thrilled, complained some, and finally she caved and said "alright I'll go get you some." And she returned with a basket full of soy milk, right off the shelf. See? Sometimes standing your ground works! Hopefully I didn't get that woman in trouble!

As always, I invite you to share your customer service stories! E-Mail me!